5 Fireplace Myths that are Fooling you

Fireplaces Melbourne is one of the comfortable places in the home. Sipping tea, having evening coffee, reading a novel sending time by the fireplace in a chilled winter evening or night. It is also a favourite spot for family gatherings and tea parties. There are still many misconceptions related to the beautiful and elegant fireplace.

These are some of the myths associated with Wood Fireplaces Melbourne that need to be debunked.

Myth 1: Fireplaces does not make the house warmer but colder

People are saying this based on the phenomenon that occurs the combustion of the wood takes place. When you light up the fire. Fire needs a sufficient amount of oxygen to keep burning the wood. Where would it get the oxygen from? The surrounding atmosphere. The air from your surrounding moved toward the fire to supply oxygen and this is why you feel that it is making the room cooler and not warmer. Give the wood a sufficient amount of time to burn and make the air in your surround warm.

Myth 2: Wood fireplaces are not energy efficient

What is energy efficiency? It means using less amount of energy along with a better outcome. In the case of wood fireplaces, the source of energy is wood. With proper installation of the fireplace, arrangement of wood, supply of wood, supply of oxygen from the surrounding air, and chimneys that are effective in preventing the downdraft the fire could last more than 12 hours. Are they still not energy efficient?

Myth 3: Wood fireplaces have too many safety concerns

The company you hired a technician from won’t be doing the job of installing the fireplace if there a safety concern involved. There a requirement of certification regarding assuring the safety of the installed fireplace. So, no need to worry the technician got you covered when it comes to safety issues. But you make sure that you get the installation done from a technical or device provider who is licensed or certified.

Myth 4: fireplace installations are costly

If this is keeping you away from getting that cozy place in your home then I have good news for you. They are affordable and likely to fix on a small budget too. They also have a low maintenance cost. There is a wide variety of alternatives available based on the different requirements of peoples long the attribute of a limited budget.

Myth 5: It is safe to keep the fire burning at night

Fireplaces need attention to wood supply, proper combustion to avoid excess smoke production. Excess smoke is likely to be produced when fireplaces are left unattended for more than a desirable amount of time. That is most likely to happen when you keep the fireplace burning at night when you go to sleep.

Fireplaces are the most charming places in the house. Do not let such myths ruin your idea regarding the Wood Fireplaces Melbourne. Along with having a great fireplace installed at home do not forget to maintain it properly. Especially the chimneys as they need regular cleaning and maintenance. Instead of relying on DIY maintenance methods make sure you take the help of a professional for the best results.


Article Source: 5 Wood Fireplace Myths Debunked


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